KEPT IN THE LOOP. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority- MIMAROPA holds a joint Regional and Provincial Technical Education and Skills Development Committee (R/PTESDC) Meeting for CY 2022 at Agricultural Training Institute (ATI)- MIMAROPA, December 13, 2022.
The RTESDC Chairperson and ATI- RTC Center Director Pat Andrew B. Barrientos, M.M., J.D. and TESDA MIMAROPA Regional Director Angelina M. Carreon co-spearheaded the said meeting.
The main agenda, points of discussions and sharing of insights were: TESDA MIMAROPA Regional Development Investment Plan 2023- 2028 presented by Director Carreon of TESDA MIMAROPA; Provincial TESD Plan Agenda for 2023- 2028 presented by the representative of each of the five TESDCs attending the hybrid meeting; 2022 Consolidated PTESDC Resolutions presented by the TESDA MIMAROPA ROD Chief Marisa S. Lagar; PTESDC Marinduque Resolution on the review and updating of the assessment fees for Bread and Pastry Production (BPP) discussed by Mr. Gaudioso L. Movillon, Jr., PTESDC-Marinduque member; and orientation on the “Binhi ng Pag-asa”, a program initiated by the Office of Senator Grace Poe, discussed by Engr. Christina Intong of ATI- RTC MIMAROPA.
The joint meeting encouraged better exchange of inputs, best practices and ideas from across the RTESDC Members and the PTESDC Members of the five island provinces who represent the government, critical, employer, labor and TVET sectors. There were concerns that were raised in the areas of agriculture, tourism and its supply value chain in support to the MIMAROPA’s vision in the next plan cycle 2023 to 2028, the Destination of Choice. All agreed that TVET in MIMAROPA should be more vibrant and agile to cope with the new normal TVET arrangements and align with the MIMAROPA vision.

Director Barrientos and RD Carreon also thanked everyone who worked behind the curtains serving in the Technical Working Group (TWG) headed by Mr. Eljun Francel Angeles, TESDS II with Ms. Cherrie Rose L. Desaliza, TESDS I along with other support personnel from the TESDA MIMAROPA Regional Office under the supervision of ROD Chief Marisa S. Lagar.
Moving forward, the RTESDC Chairperson, Director Barrientos and RD Carreon are positive about the enhanced support that will be given by the Regional and Provincial TESD Committees’ members manifested in their continuous and active attendance to the meetings to be initiated by the said committees.
Another highlights of the event was the awarding of Certificates of Recognition to all the RTESDC members and PTESDC Chairpersons/Representatives and the awarding of Certificates of Achievement and Recognition given to the outstanding performers among the operating units in the TESDA MIMAROPA Region led by the 5 Provincial Directors and the Administrators of the TESDA Technology Institutions.