TESDA Romblon Acting Provincial Director, Engr. Lynette M. Gatarin spearheaded the 2023 Jobs Facilitation, National Tech-Voc Day and TESDA’s 29th Founding Anniversary celebration, August 24, 2023 at the Municipal Covered Court, Odiongan, Romblon. She acknowledged the efforts of the Technical…
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Lab for All Hatid ni First Lady Marie Louise Araneta Marcos
WRAPPING UP A PRODUCTIVE DAY! First Lady of the Republic of the Philippines, Madame Louise Araneta- Marcos banners one among her flagship programs, “Lab for All Hatid ni First Lady Marie Louise Araneta Marcos” in Pola, Oriental Mindoro; TESDA MIMAROPA…
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Butterfly Production Level II paving the way to becoming Marinduque a Tourist Attraction
Due to TPSAT’s partnership with LGU Torrijos thru its Rural Health Unit (RHU), the Butterfly Production Level II paved the way in promoting the butterfly industry to foreign visitors. Last July 21, 2023, TESDA-TPSAT received visitors from RHU of Torrijos.…
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Torrijos Poblacion School of Arts and Trades is now an accredited Provider of CPD for Trainer’s Methodology Level I for Professional Teachers
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for licensed professional teachers is now an essential requirement for renewing their licenses. This move from the government encourages professional teachers to look forward and take this opportunity to learn something new. Renewing the license and…
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TESDA Marinduque Distributes Over 300 Toolkits to Graduates
A total of 300 graduates of the 2022 Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) from the different Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) delightfully received their starter toolkits from various qualifications on July 12-14, 2023. The three (3)-day activity was held in…
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Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (CFIDP) Regional Technical Working Group (TWG)
Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (CFIDP) Regional Technical Working Group (TWG), composed of validators from PHilMech, TESDA, DTI, PCA, ATI, CDA and DBP conducted a table evaluation/assessment and on-site validation of Bongabong Coconut Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BOCOFAMCO) – endorsed…
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TESDA Romblon Provincial Office conducted the Provincial TVET Forum
TESDA Romblon Provincial Office conducted the Provincial TVET Forum at Aspire Agritech Academy, Mayha, Odiongan, Romblon. It was attended by 32 participants from 15 TechVoc schools. Updates on scholarship, BSRS, T2MIS, UTPRAS and Assessment were discussed. Issues and concerns on…
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TESDA graduates on Wood Carving Level II receive starter toolkits from DOLE
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) awarded toolkits amounting to almost three hundred thousand pesos (P300,000.00) to TESDA graduates last June 7, 2023 in a ceremony held at the Provincial Capitol Compound, Boac, Marinduque. The awarded toolkits to start their…
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TESDA MIMAROPA signed Pledge of Commitment to fully support the implementation and operationalization of the Integrated Coconut Processing Center or Shared Facilities Program under the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (CFIDP) spearheaded by the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development…
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ON TO EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Mid-Year Performance Assessment (MYPA) on Scholarship Programs, July 4-5,2023 at Orient de Galera Beach Resort, San Isidro, Puerto Galera.
Headed by TESDA MIMAROPA Regional Director, Angelina M. Carreon, CSEE, through a team of scholarship focal persons and financial analysts (FAs) led by Provincial Directors/ Acting Provincial Director, Zoraida V. Amper, PhD, CSEE (Marinduque), Rosalina P. Reyes (Occidental Mindoro), Joey…
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